Cardiovascular Surgery and Interventions 0 0 - July 2024
Total 3 article found.
  • Mehmet Ali Şahin, Erkan Kuralay     Off-pump coronary artery surgery with clamshell incision
        Cardiovascular Surgery and Interventions. 2020 March;7(1):030-032
  • Mehmet Ali Şahin, Erkan Kuralay     Aortic sponge sling to improve mitral exposure
        Cardiovascular Surgery and Interventions. 2021 January;8(1):068-069
  • Mehmet Ali Şahin, Erkan Kuralay     Partial posterior leaflet resection for mitral valve endocarditis and valve repair with autologous pericardium
        Cardiovascular Surgery and Interventions. 2022 July;9(2):136-139

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