This cross-sectional study was performed at the
Mehmet Akif Ersoy Thoracic and Cardiovascular
Surgery Training and Research Hospital, Department
of Cardiology between June 2013 and January 2014.
Fifty-five patients were assessed to be included in
this study. Patients with PAH and those older than
18 years old were included. Exclusion criteria were as
follows: patients with pulmonary hypertension due to
left heart disease (group 2 pulmonary hypertension),
those with documented coronary artery disease,
those with systemic arterial hypertension, smokers, those with rhythm disturbances that can affect
3D echocardiography image acquisition, including
atrial fibrillation and frequent ventricular and
supraventricular extrasystoles, and those with
poor echogenicity. After the exclusion, 31 patients
(16 females, 15 males; mean age: 42.3±15.0 years;
range, 21 to 71 years) were enrolled in this study.
Transthoracic echocardiography was performed
in patients with severe pulmonary hypertension
using Philips IE33 equipment (Philips Electronics
Ireland Ltd., Dublin, Ireland). For each patient,
the pulmonary artery systolic pressure estimated
by tricuspid regurgitation, right ventricle systolic
function parameters, including TAPSE, peak
systolic velocity of the tricuspid annulus by
tissue Doppler imaging (TDI) (right ventricle [RV]-
TDI-right ventricle lateral wall tissue Doppler
systolic velocity [St]) were assessed. The eccentricity
index in diastole and systole were recorded by using
2D echocardiography.
Speckle tracking and 3D echocardiography
evaluations were performed during a brief breath
hold and with a stable electrocardiogram recording.
Two-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography
was performed to derive left ventricle longitudinal
strain and left atrial reservoir strain and strain
rate, conduit strain rate, and contraction strain
rate. Left atrial apical four- and two-chamber view
images were taken using conventional 2D grayscale
echocardiography. The recommended frame rate
was set between 60 and 80 frames per second
during the processing. Left atrial endocardium
surface was semiautomatically traced in both
two- and four-chamber views by a point-and-click
approach. The epicardial surface tracing was done
During atrial reservoir phase, the left atrium fills
and stretches so its strain curve increases, reaching
a positive peak at the end of atrial filling before the
opening of the mitral valve. After mitral opening, the
left atrium empties quickly, and its volume reduces,
so the strain initially decreases up to a plateau
corresponding to the phase of diastasis. In patients
that are in sinus rhythm, normally the plateau is
followed by a second positive peak, smaller than the
first, which corresponds to the period preceding atrial
contraction, and finally by a negative peak after the
atrial contraction[11]
Left ventricle four-, three-, and two-chamber
images were recorded. During the processing, left ventricle peak longitudinal strain was recorded.
To simplify our strain examination, we only used
longitudinal systolic strain since it appears to be
highly sensitive for myocardial disorders and more
reproducible than either circumferential or radial
strain. Because the left ventricle shortens from base
to apex with systole, the fixed short-axis tracking
that is required for radial and circumferential strain
is more difficult than longitudinal tracking, which
moves with the base-to-apex motion.[12]
Next, to obtain real-time 3D volumetric data of the
left atrium and left ventricle, a matrix array transducer
(X5-1; Philips Ultrasound Ltd, Bothell, WA, USA)
was used. Electrocardiogram-gated multiple beats were
recorded to achieve higher resolution. Full-volume
mod was chosen for image acquisition according to
current guidelines.[6]
The real-time three-dimensional
echocardiography (RT3DE) was used to obtain fullvolume,
real-time pyramidal volumetric data sets
along four consecutive cardiac cycles. The RT3DE
data sets were then digitally stored for analysis
using the QLab-Philips version 9.1 software (Philips
Ultrasound Ltd, Bothell, WA, USA). Manually
marked anatomical points used to calculate left
atrium volumes were defined as follows: lateral,
septal, anterior, and inferior points of the mitral
annulus and a fifth point at the left atrium apex. The
points determined to represent the pulmonary vein
ostium or the left atrium appendix were removed
from the measurement. All stored digital data
were analyzed by a blind observer to calculate the
following volumes: (i) left atrium maximum volume
(LAVmax), at the end of systole, when the atrial
volume was greatest just before the mitral valve
opening; (ii) left atrium minimal volume (LAVmin),
at the end of the diastole, when the atrial volume
was lowest just before the mitral valve closure;
(iii) before atrial contraction volume, the time
corresponding to the P wave in electrocardiogram
or the last frame before the mitral valve opens. The
obtained LAVmax index (LAVI) was calculated by
dividing the LAVmax by the body surface area. The
volumes calculated with the following formulas were
chosen as parameters of left atrial function and were
calculated using three different RT3DE left atrium
volumes according to previous studies:[13] (i) left
atrium total emptying volume= LAVmax - LAVmin;
(ii) left atrium total emptying fraction= (LAVmax
- LAVmin)/LAVmax. ¥100; (iii) LAVI=left atrial volume/body surface area. The left ventricle
volume was measured using an apical approach
with transthoracic echocardiography. Full-volume
3D echocardiography method was performed. This
approach has an important advantage over the
3D-guided biplane and the triplane methods by
not relying on geometric modeling. The calculated
volume was obtained by directly counting the voxels
inside the endocardial surface.[14]
Right and left heart catheterization were
performed by two experienced cardiologists without
any sedation. 7F femoral sheaths were inserted
to left and right femoral veins. Pig-tail catheter
was used for both right and left heart pressure
recordings. Simultaneous measurement of the
systemic arterial and pulmonary artery pressure
were marked. Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure
was obtained by using a Swan-Ganz catheter
(Swan-Ganz thermodilution catheter, 7F 110 cm;
Edwards Lifesciences, Irvine, CA, USA) instead of
a pig-tail catheter to avoid misinterpretations. The
Fick method was used to obtain cardiac output using
a direct measure of the oxygen uptake (mL/min).
The pulmonary vascular resistance was calculated
based on the following formula: (mean pulmonary
artery pressure [mPAP]-pulmonary capillar wedge
pressure [PCWP]/cardiac output [CO]). Pulmonary
arterial hypertension was defined as a pulmonary
arterial mean pressure >20 mmHg according
to the current European Society of Cardiology
B-type natriuretic peptide and uric acid levels
were used as neurohormonal markers in this study.
B-type natriuretic peptide is highly related to clinical
worsening, hospitalization, cardiovascular events, and
death in patients with PAH.[9] Uric acid levels are
also higher in patients who are worsening.[17] Blood
samples were obtained from a forearm vein after a
12-h fast. A Cobas 8000 c502 (Roche Holding AG,
Basel, Switzerland) analyzer was used to assess uric
acid levels.
The main characteristics of patients were analyzed.
A TAPSE <1.6 cm and an St <10 cm/sec were
considered worse outcomes. Patients were divided into
two groups with regard to TAPSE and St values and
the requirement of hospitalization in the one-year
period. The groups were compared in terms of
clinical setting, echocardiographic findings, and
neurohormonal parameters.
Statistical analysis
Data were analyzed with the IBM SPSS version
25.0 software (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA). In
this study, data were expressed as mean ± standard
deviation (SD) for normally distributed variables
and as median (25th-75th percentiles) for nonnormally
distributed variables. Categorical variables were
expressed as frequency and percentage. The
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to evaluate
the normality of the data, kurtosis, and skewness.
Parametric tests were used when the values of
kurtosis and skewness were between ±2.0 in the
data with a significance level <0.05 obtained from
the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, considering that the
values did not deviate excessively from the normal
distribution. To compare two independent groups,
the independent sample t-test and the Mann-Whitney
U test were used. The relationship between categorical
variables was examined with the chi-square and
Fisher exact tests. In the analysis of the effect of
independent variables on the two-category dependent
variable, the effect was examined with binary logistic
regression analysis. A p-value <0.05 was considered
statistically significant.